Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Penny Credit?

This is a pretty awesome story from another one of my friends.  We are friends on Facebook and see each other a couple of times a year, Nascar in Vegas and sometimes at a Christmas concert.  

Several months ago we were at our yearly concert and she was telling me that her sister was not doing very well, of course we always hate to hear things like that.

A couple of weeks ago on Facebook she posted that her sister had passed away.  All of her friends posted messages including myself.  It is nice that we can do that on our Social Media but I also like to send special cards in the mail to people because they are more personable.

I found a card about pennies, wrote a message and taped one of my special pennies from my Pennies from Heaven Jar and mailed it to her.

A few days later I got a text and a picture from her and a phone call saying that when she got home from work she received my card with the penny and thanked me for it and then told me about a credit she had been trying to get resolved for a couple of weeks from a company that she purchased some items from.  They were to credit her the amount of $16.01, so they sent the invoice, a copy of the receipt for $16.00 and taped a penny to the invoice.  She received that credit with the penny the same day that I sent her her card.

How crazy is that?  So awesome that she shared her story and picture with me and we are still shaking out heads because who sends a penny credit?

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