Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Penny Credit?

This is a pretty awesome story from another one of my friends.  We are friends on Facebook and see each other a couple of times a year, Nascar in Vegas and sometimes at a Christmas concert.  

Several months ago we were at our yearly concert and she was telling me that her sister was not doing very well, of course we always hate to hear things like that.

A couple of weeks ago on Facebook she posted that her sister had passed away.  All of her friends posted messages including myself.  It is nice that we can do that on our Social Media but I also like to send special cards in the mail to people because they are more personable.

I found a card about pennies, wrote a message and taped one of my special pennies from my Pennies from Heaven Jar and mailed it to her.

A few days later I got a text and a picture from her and a phone call saying that when she got home from work she received my card with the penny and thanked me for it and then told me about a credit she had been trying to get resolved for a couple of weeks from a company that she purchased some items from.  They were to credit her the amount of $16.01, so they sent the invoice, a copy of the receipt for $16.00 and taped a penny to the invoice.  She received that credit with the penny the same day that I sent her her card.

How crazy is that?  So awesome that she shared her story and picture with me and we are still shaking out heads because who sends a penny credit?

Penny in the Washer

A special friend of mine was in a car accident on January 2, 2019.  She totaled her car! She did not go to a hospital nor was anyone else involved.  The police officer said that she was very, very lucky considering her situation.

Her and I go back many, many years and she is so special to me and I am so grateful that she is in my life.  I will treasure her friendship for ever!

A couple of days after her accident, she was doing the wash and out fell a PENNY.

Now I know that people will say no big deal, because some of us carry change in our pockets and when we do the laundry we don't always check the pockets.  But my friend who has been married to her husband for 33+ years has always made sure he checks his pockets before she does the washing, that is why this was so unusual.

When we see pennies like this we always think about our loved ones and my friend felt it was from her dad who had passed away a couple of years ago.  She was in the hospital when they found a tumor and her dad came and blessed her and two days later he died. 

Since her accident a month ago she felt that her dad was watching over her even when she is doing the wash, lol.

My Retirement Penny

I retired officially on December 28th 2018, after working since I was 15 years old, where does the time go?

I have had many wonderful, hard working years that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.  I have had some amazing experiences, learned so many things and done things that I NEVER DREAMED POSSIBLE! And most of all I have met some of the most incredible people ever!

On the last day of my retirement they were a couple of my very best friends that wanted to take me to lunch so I volunteered to drive and as we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant I told my friends that I couldn't ask for a better gift than to spend time with them on my last working day.

Just before we got out of the car I said that all we needed to make this day even more special was to find a penny.  We all opened our doors and took about 5 steps and one of my friends pointed to the ground and there was a PENNY!  We all stood there and just cried for about 5 minutes because through the years working with them they knew about the Pennies From Heaven and shared many stories with each other.

In my heart I felt it was my mom sending me a message saying: