There are about 10 of us, we don't work or live by each other just friends commuting on a train. We call ourselves "Train Family Friends" and the bond is something that I just can't explain.
Every 3 months we get together somewhere for dinner and celebrate birthdays. March 6th, 2020 we had a birthday dinner. We all look forward to seeing each other even since a couple of us have retired and no longer ride the train, that is how special this friendship is.
I love giving gifts! For the birthdays I found these beautiful Solar Angel Wind chimes.
On each of the wind chimes I glued a special penny from my Heavenly Penny Jar of pennies that I have found through the years.
I was so excited to give the gifts and explain that their Angels will be watching over them with my special Penny from Heaven!
A couple of the girls asked about the pennies and I shared a few of my stories with them along with my blog for them to check out. It was a fun night and looking forward to getting together again and keeping in touch.
When we were ready to leave the restaurant one of the girls come over to me and thanked my for her very special gift and said that she had the perfect place for it. She got teary eyed and started to tell me that a few months ago she had to put her dog down of 18 years, and that they buried him on her folks property and that was where the angel wind chime would go. Then she proceeded to tell me that her dogs name was PENNY, which she named him because of his copper color.
We both started to cry and hugged each other.
I had no idea that she had a dog name PENNY, we were just friends who met on a train several years ago and share a special friendship with our "Train Family Friends".
Aww, such a precious connection with her sweet penny and your special penny angel windchime. Bless you all!