Monday, March 16, 2020

Our Fury Friends and Pennies

I am in a group of very special friends whom we all met over 3 years ago riding on our local Front Runner and Trax system.

There are about 10 of us, we don't work or live by each other just friends commuting on a train.  We call ourselves "Train Family Friends" and the bond is something that I just can't explain.

Every 3 months we get together somewhere for dinner and celebrate birthdays.  March 6th, 2020 we had a birthday dinner.  We all look forward to seeing each other even since a couple of us have retired and no longer ride the train, that is how special this friendship is.

I love giving gifts!  For the birthdays I found  these beautiful Solar Angel Wind chimes.

On each of the wind chimes I glued a special penny from my Heavenly Penny Jar of pennies that I have found through the years.

I was so excited to give the gifts and explain that their Angels will be watching over them with my special Penny from Heaven!

A couple of the girls asked about the pennies and I shared a few of my stories with them along with my blog for them to check out.  It was a fun night and looking forward to getting together again and keeping in touch.

When we were ready to leave the restaurant one of the girls come over to me and thanked my for her very special gift and said that she had the perfect place for it.  She got teary eyed and started to tell me that a few months ago she had to put her dog down of 18 years, and that they buried him on her folks property and that was where the angel wind chime would go.  Then she proceeded to tell me that her dogs name was PENNY, which she named him because of his copper color.

We both started to cry and hugged each other.  

I had no idea that she had a dog name PENNY, we were just friends who met on a train several years ago and share a special friendship with our "Train Family Friends".

Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Penny Credit?

This is a pretty awesome story from another one of my friends.  We are friends on Facebook and see each other a couple of times a year, Nascar in Vegas and sometimes at a Christmas concert.  

Several months ago we were at our yearly concert and she was telling me that her sister was not doing very well, of course we always hate to hear things like that.

A couple of weeks ago on Facebook she posted that her sister had passed away.  All of her friends posted messages including myself.  It is nice that we can do that on our Social Media but I also like to send special cards in the mail to people because they are more personable.

I found a card about pennies, wrote a message and taped one of my special pennies from my Pennies from Heaven Jar and mailed it to her.

A few days later I got a text and a picture from her and a phone call saying that when she got home from work she received my card with the penny and thanked me for it and then told me about a credit she had been trying to get resolved for a couple of weeks from a company that she purchased some items from.  They were to credit her the amount of $16.01, so they sent the invoice, a copy of the receipt for $16.00 and taped a penny to the invoice.  She received that credit with the penny the same day that I sent her her card.

How crazy is that?  So awesome that she shared her story and picture with me and we are still shaking out heads because who sends a penny credit?

Penny in the Washer

A special friend of mine was in a car accident on January 2, 2019.  She totaled her car! She did not go to a hospital nor was anyone else involved.  The police officer said that she was very, very lucky considering her situation.

Her and I go back many, many years and she is so special to me and I am so grateful that she is in my life.  I will treasure her friendship for ever!

A couple of days after her accident, she was doing the wash and out fell a PENNY.

Now I know that people will say no big deal, because some of us carry change in our pockets and when we do the laundry we don't always check the pockets.  But my friend who has been married to her husband for 33+ years has always made sure he checks his pockets before she does the washing, that is why this was so unusual.

When we see pennies like this we always think about our loved ones and my friend felt it was from her dad who had passed away a couple of years ago.  She was in the hospital when they found a tumor and her dad came and blessed her and two days later he died. 

Since her accident a month ago she felt that her dad was watching over her even when she is doing the wash, lol.

My Retirement Penny

I retired officially on December 28th 2018, after working since I was 15 years old, where does the time go?

I have had many wonderful, hard working years that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.  I have had some amazing experiences, learned so many things and done things that I NEVER DREAMED POSSIBLE! And most of all I have met some of the most incredible people ever!

On the last day of my retirement they were a couple of my very best friends that wanted to take me to lunch so I volunteered to drive and as we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant I told my friends that I couldn't ask for a better gift than to spend time with them on my last working day.

Just before we got out of the car I said that all we needed to make this day even more special was to find a penny.  We all opened our doors and took about 5 steps and one of my friends pointed to the ground and there was a PENNY!  We all stood there and just cried for about 5 minutes because through the years working with them they knew about the Pennies From Heaven and shared many stories with each other.

In my heart I felt it was my mom sending me a message saying:  


Saturday, April 23, 2016

People are like Pennies

When I find pennies I think of my loved ones that have passed away, that it is a sign that they are always with us.

For the last 1 1/2 years I have been riding our Mass Transit system to and from my job.  It is 40 minutes each way.  I have met so many people waiting for the train, getting on the train, getting off the train to another destination.  

I have made so many friends, talked to so may people and a lot of the people I don't even know their names that come up to me and just talk and share a story, which fills me with so much joy inside that I can't begin to explain.

One story I want to share is about a train host named Ned (Nazario) who has given me permission to share his story.  He is a Train Host who works a few days a week on my morning ride to work.  He always walks by and says good morning to me and gives me a friendly wave when I get off.

One morning I asked how he was doing because he had seemed a little quiet and he said that he had taken the previous day off to celebrate his 58th wedding anniversary, and his eyes just sparkled as he was telling me about his wife and that she had passed away 6 months ago and he, his children and grandchildren celebrated together.  


I told him he looked like he had just married her yesterday by the look on his face.

Inez - 15 years old
Inez fell in love at first sight and Ned saw beauty at its fullest, they grew in love and he proposed to her on one bent knee with the blessing of her parents when she was 19. They remained committed to each other for 52 years of marriage and 55 years in all.  Ned cared for her preciously, ardently and unrelenting with peace and joy given to him by GOD.

The next day Ned brought in a letter that his daughter had written after the passing of their mom and gave it to me to read.  His daughter mentioned that Inez loved anything to do with God and family, especially reading her Bible and having worship time with her husband Ned. 

She loved and adored each of her children and would talk to them about their day-to-day life, desires, dreams, hopes, and struggles; inspiring them; and most importantly discussing their walk with the lord.  

I can see why Ned's eyes so sparkled when he talked about the love of his life Inez who was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother.

I had tears in my eyes after Ned told me his story and I said to him that his wife is always around and he said; as he touched his heart; SO IS GOD.

I told him that there must have been a reason that I wore my Angel Wing Necklace today because I felt like a special angel for him to share that beautiful story of the love of his life with me and that was like finding a million shiny pennies!

Thanks Ned for sharing..

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Pennies in a Jar

Christmas of 2015 my step-daughter (who in my eyes is a daughter to me) and also a very good friend.  She gave me this beautiful jar with the message: PENNIES FROM HEAVEN!!

All of the pennies that I have found through the years I have kept in the envelopes that people have sent to me with their messages and now I have the perfect place to save them.

Here is the picture of the jar with my pennies, a feather that I  found, angel wings from a friend, bracelet with penny charms from a co-worker and a key chain from my step-daughter with a very special penny that she had found from the year 2007,  which was the year that my mother had past.  VERY VERY THOUGHTFUL GIFT!!!

Every penny in this jar has a story, I would like to share a few of them.

This was one that happened to me 3-26-2012 - I was having a bad day and almost in tears, went into the store and when I got back to my car there were (3) pennies on the ground.

Hi Kathy,  I think your mom was sending me lots of wishes for you this weekend, love Chris.

Found this while hiking on my mountain by the hand gliding park, thought of you.  Carin

Heather a co-worker found a penny in the parking lot of our office on 2-19-2010 and gave it to me.

I found this penny July 2015 while I was walking with my neighbor and telling her that I wanted to start a Penny blog.

All weekend I thought about my mom and dad and how lonely things are without them.  Today was a beautiful day and I started to take a walk along a creek.  When I got back to the office I got out of my car from my walk and right there was a shinny penny, HEAD'S UP.

My dad was in an assisted living place and when we moved him to another facility on 6-23-2010 I found a penny on his shelf.

A co-worker on 7-27-2010 found a penny in the corner of a prescription bag that she had gotten after we had been talking that morning about PENNIES FROM HEAVEN with another co-worker.

On 6-18-2010 a co-worker of mine his wife found a penny at a company leadership conference that we had at San Antonio, TX right after I had told her about my PENNIES FROM HEAVEN stories.

Kathy, this is getting really weird!  The other day after I left the office, I stopped at CJ Banks to try on some new clothes.  I had been in the dressing room several times and I didn't see any penny.  The the last time, there it was, just sitting on the bench.  Your mom must like me or knows that I will be sure to give it to you.

Chris was on her way to Italy and for a penny at the airport and mailed it to me.

Hi Kath,  my sweet Gary found these for you at our campsite at Otter Creek over the 4th of July.  With love Chris.

Kathy,  found this one just outside the car in Fairview.  TAILS UP.  Chris


Reader's Digest 2007

It has been several months since I have entered any information into my Blog but life has been so crazy and busy and here it is January 24th 2016! 

 Where is the time going?

A good friend of mine sent me this article after the holiday's that was published in READER'S DIGEST 2007. It is a beautiful story by Julie Bain on: